Case Woodlot Trail of Hearts, Painted Hearts, Engraved Hearts

Case Woodlot Trail of Hearts, Painted Hearts, Engraved Hearts

Oct 17, 2012
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Case Woodlot Trail is definitely a trail of hearts or a trail of love as someone recently painted few red white hearts on the tree trunks and tree stumps. I found three and photographed three.

Painted Heart, Case Woodlot Trail, Aurora

Painted Heart, Case Woodlot Trail, Aurora

There are actually four or maybe more. I found forth one last weekend when we finally decided to hire a photographer (A Pic or Two Photography) and have our family pictures done at the Case Woodlot Trail.

It was hard because I didn’t have my camera with me. Well it had to be done since Matthew has been asking why is he missing from our wedding picture.

Painted Heart, Case Woodlot Trail, Aurora

Painted Heart, Case Woodlot Trail, Aurora

I think that was a creative idea to paint these hearts – dress up the trail as those trail markers we constantly follow becoming a little boring. It was also nice that they are all similar style. I wonder what spark the artist to do such thing – very intriguing.

Painted Heart, Case Woodlot Trail, Aurora

Painted Heart, Case Woodlot Trail, Aurora

Beside all the painted hearts there are many engraved hearts on the trees. They are not new and have been growing with the tree. There is always someone who loves someone. Sometimes I wonder if any of these couples ever came back to those places. I wonder if those love birds are now married. I tell you there is so much to wonder and ponder when walking the Case Woodlot Trail.

Engraved Heart, Case Woodlot Trail, Aurora

Engraved Heart, Case Woodlot Trail, Aurora

Somethings will not last forever. We noticed big orange R on one of the trees. Probably marked for removal. The tree itself was full of love markings, hearts and initials all over. The tree may be cut down in the near future and hopefully will be left there. If not then all those markings are history, but hey some will survive and are here preserved in photographs.

Engraved Heart, Case Woodlot Trail, Aurora

Engraved Heart, Case Woodlot Trail, Aurora

It is interesting to note how different Case Woodlot Trail is from Sheppard’s Bush Trail. Tall trees, rolling hills, lots of dead trees and in the fall you are definitely going to find lot of different species of mushrooms. Hardly ever I hear birds. Squirrell there and there.

So far we only explored partial trails in the Case Woodlot, only the one that goes along the Handerson Drive. I believe there is a path that exits at the Norm Weller Park.

There are few sitting benches along the way.

Perhaps something still missing. Definitely more signs to let the dog owners know to keep dogs on the leash. When we walked the trail couple of weeks ago a dog charged full force in our direction and barked at us. If it wasn’t for my husband scaring him away he probably would jump at me and Matthew.

Unfortunately, they can smell my fear and the best thing the dog owner could do for those who carry a fear on their back to keep dogs on the leash.
Engraved Love, Case Woodlot Trail, Aurora

Engraved Love, Case Woodlot Trail, Aurora

About the Author

Anna Lozyk Romeo

I am living in Aurora and this is my photo journal blog. A picture says 1000 words - but not always, so I write. You don't have to travel 1000 miles to find a treasure - all I have to do is zoom through my lens and I will find it for you here in Aurora.

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