Wells Street Public School Blackboard Graffiti Left Behind

Wells Street Public School Blackboard Graffiti Left Behind

Blackboards in schools – give some time and they will be a history. White boards, smart boards probably are and will be the next big thing in the future schools.

Blackboard, Welcome To Well St. P.S.

Blackboards, still standing, will be history in the near future at the former Wells Street Public School, now own by the Wells Street Schoolhouse Lofts Inc.

When the school closed for good and students did not return for the 2008 school year, a bit of blackboard history from previous school year was left behind – the blackboard graffiti, that is notes and scribbles probably left by teachers and students.

Antique Chalk Holder, Well Street Public School

When I photographed inside the school anything that was physically attached to the school walls – blackboards, cork boards, lockers and shelving was in its original place.

What was also in its place collecting dust and probably never to be used, was this unique antique five finger chalk holder attached to one of the blackboards in the newer section of the school built in 1952. I searched the Internet to see if there are any out there in other schools. No luck.

Perhaps this one was made especially for this school? Or no body bothered to photograph one yet?

Our Giving Tree, Wells Street Public School

Scribbles, scribbles and more scribbles.

I remember those elementary school days when on the last they of school we left some scribbles on the classroom blackboard and when we came back from summer vacations, our teacher made us erase all.

Sometimes there were teacher’s classroom notes left as well. And some teachers in their designated classrooms kept one blackboard almost permanent – things like the periodic table in my chemistry class, and in the case of Wells Street Public School, Our Giving Tree.

Goals, Wells Street Public School

As time passed, the slate (type of stone the board was made of) blackboards started to become obsolete. Any new classroom would get the green board. For many it was hard to change and everyone continued to call it a blackboard. At some point it was generalized and called a chalkboard.

Green Board, Wells Street Public School

Some speculate that it was price that drove the change in the chalkboard industry, but it was the research in early sixties that suggested that the green background board was easier on the eyes of students – the lower contrast.

Schools Out, Wells Street Public School

To conclude, the school is out again here and hope those blackboards will bring some memories back for those who attended former Wells Street Public School. Never know may be you will also recall the five finger chalk holder you have never paid attention to. The school is now owned by Wells Street Schoolhouse Lofts. Furthermore, the school will be back with some art on the wall.

About the Author

Anna Lozyk Romeo

I am living in Aurora and this is my photo journal blog. A picture says 1000 words - but not always, so I write. You don't have to travel 1000 miles to find a treasure - all I have to do is zoom through my lens and I will find it for you here in Aurora.


  1. Regarding the “Chalk holder” It appears to be at the top corner of a black board frame. As such, it is more likely a flag holder.

  2. Jules thank you for commenting and the tip.
    I will check it out.
    Anna :)