Canada Day, Fireworks Or Space Explosions

Canada Day, Fireworks Or Space Explosions

Jul 2, 2011
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Another great Canada Day fireworks presentation at the Lambert Wilson Park in Aurora. I was able to sneak out to take some photographs. The truth is and the only truth is that every year is my practice year. I am not good when comes to taking photos of the fireworks.

These are some of many now abstract photos of the fireworks I took on the Canada Day. This year I was little too close. I was kind of disappointed with the outcome, but when I viewed them I saw something else – explosions in the space.

Speaking of explosions, I yet to find out today that an asteroid size of a tour bus just barely missed the Earth on June 27, 2011. I guess this is a reminder that we are always at risk.

For today let me leave you with this quote by Julie Payette, a Canadian engineer and a Canadian Space Agency (CSA) astronaut. Payette has completed two spaceflights logging more than 25 days in space.

‘You can imagine that when you are ten, twelve years old and you’re growing up in a town in Canada and you’re French Canadian and you’re telling everybody Hey, I’d like to be an astronaut one day. Then people pat you on the back, smile a little bit and say “Yeah, sure.” And they hope that you’re going to change your mind and find a more down-to-earth job, which is what I did eventually.’ ~ Julie Payette

About the Author

Anna Lozyk Romeo

I am living in Aurora and this is my photo journal blog. A picture says 1000 words - but not always, so I write. You don't have to travel 1000 miles to find a treasure - all I have to do is zoom through my lens and I will find it for you here in Aurora.

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