Wildlife Park In Aurora, Yes, Yes, We Must Have One

Wildlife Park In Aurora, Yes, Yes, We Must Have One

I was behind with my newspaper reading this week. It was last night that I finally took the Thursday The Banner/The Era roll of papers from February 2nd and started to look through.

After scanning and finally reading something interesting ‘Town seeks plan for wildlife park‘ by Jeremy Grimaldi, I thought what a wonderful great amazing thoughtful idea and we are one step closer after council approved spending over $200,000 to create the master plan for the wildlife site.

Downy Woodpecker, Nokiidaa Trail Boardwalk

A wildlife park site in Aurora. Just another reason for me not to move, however, I never had any intentions to move in the first place and what would just happened to my blog – so no.

Praying Mantis, Nokiidaa Trail Boardwalk

Provided the location of the proposed wildlife site, north of Wellington Street, between Bayview Avenue and Leslie Street, I looked up the Google map to see where would the block of 100 acres be. It is a stretch of land that looking from the top view it has a nice mix of wetlands, woodlands and grasslands. According to David Tomlinson this combination is a great mix to create an urban nature reserve.

Grass Species, Nokiidaa Trail Boardwalk

The Google map is probably outdated by now (it was at the time Longo’s plaza was constructed) so I must one day see the site for myself. The trees are probably much bigger and probably more overgrown.

While reading, I am also impressed with Mr. Tomlinson’s work in that area – logging the species. Witnessing 150 bird species at the site, and 75 nesting. However, I recall him writing before in the Auroran that we have 100 bird species in Aurora. Well they come and go, like that Pelican that flew over Aurora many moons ago.

My birding list would really improve if I was able to witness this number too. My list is over 110 bird species, but I cheated a bid because I added many birds in captivity I saw at the Jurong Bird Park in Singapore. Someone told me that it doesn’t count and this someone is probably right.

Mushrooms or Fungi, Case Woodlot

So what is in the master plan that excite me? ‘The master plan will include a proposal for bird watching towers, an educational centre (aha may be Petch house?) and trails through parts of the site.’ – The Banner reported.

Can we ask for more here in Aurora? I don’t think so, but may be few more wildlife parks after that. We just have to get one going.

About the Author

Anna Lozyk Romeo

I am living in Aurora and this is my photo journal blog. A picture says 1000 words - but not always, so I write. You don't have to travel 1000 miles to find a treasure - all I have to do is zoom through my lens and I will find it for you here in Aurora.


  1. That’s a downy woodpecker? Very cool! And the mantis is beautiful. Is that a current pic from this winter? I thought mantises didn’t get out in the cold much.

  2. I read about the wildlife park in the paper as well, too, Anna. A great idea! We’re lucky here. Lot’s of great nature near by.


  3. Yes it is Marvin.
    The mantis photo was taken in the fall.
    It is now little too cold for creatures such that, but with warm weather we been having never know may be they are out.
    Anna :)

  4. James we are. I am just hope that it will happen.
    Thanks for visiting. Anna :)

  5. When I read it, it warmed my soul to think we are actually making nature a first class citizen. They just have to visit the mixed use of the boardwalk area to see how important this could be to Aurora. The wildlife and human activity (minus the bikers that don’t dismount) have made it my favorite place to relax, photograph and observe nature in Aurora. Lets hope this becomes reality.


  6. Doug, I like that ‘making nature a first class citizen’.
    Thanks for commenting.
    Anna :)